CanWISP has hired Nordicity to assist CanWISP in developing its submission to the ISED Spectrum 2018-22 Consultation process. Click ISED Consultation
for more details on the Consultation.
An eSurvey is an essential part of the research needed to better understand current and anticipated spectrum needs. Nordicity will develop a Research report that will be appended to CanWISPs submission. If you are a member of CanWISP your designated contact should have already received a personalized email invitation. If you are not a member of CanWISP we would still appreciate your input (click here).
The Board strongly encourages the participation of your firm in this survey as the higher the participation, the more credibility CanWISP's submission will carry with ISED and the better the chances for Canadian WISPs to secure much needed spectrum.
It is essential that each firm designate a single respondent and that the respondent uses a single machine for responses. This will avoid duplicated effort and ensure consistency. This will also enable the respondent to start & stop the questionnaire at any time during the survey period.
Important note: The survey period will be only 6 days from November 21 to November 27, so please fill out the survey in the next few days.
Your participation will be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Jonathan Black