The year that has passed since our last conference is unprecedented. The global pandemic has been incredibly disruptive to our lives, families and our businesses. Other factors are also impacting our industry:
- our access to 3.65GHz might be going away;
- licensed Point-To-Point Fees are coming down in April;
- some spectrum around 6.0GHz might be opening up to us; and
- it looks like TVWS is finally arriving.
We are going to try and hit all of these topics at the conference.
Unfortunately we will not be together in person, but we're putting together an event that will still let you meet your colleagues and find out what's new from suppliers, manufacturers and ISED.
The event will take place in a virtual world called “The Echo” (https://www.eventfarm.com/the-echo) You will be able to walk through and talk to vendors the same as in person! The virtual world has private rooms for meetings, boardrooms, conference rooms. You will not be disappointed!
The agenda will be published shortly and updated often! At this point we have 5 speakers booked including; Mark Kelley, Claire Carver-Dias, Brenda Bouchette, Peter Nowak and Jason Flick.
Registration is $125 for CanWISP members and $225 for non-members.
All attendees will receive a swag box in the mail.
Members ONLY PROMO Code is available. Please check your email for the Code.
Current Industry Partners are eligible for a Complimentary Registration to the conference and should contact info@canwisp.ca for information.
NOTE: We are using a US-centric platform so we apologize in advance for anything doesn’t quite look Canadian … like the DEFAULT Country being: US.
REGISTER and get more info here: https://canwisp2021.eventfarm.com/
CanWISP 2021 Conference Team
Jonathan Black - Jennifer French - Meredith Simpson